
Halloween Costume 2K9

And so begins, the age old debate.... What do I want to dress up as for Halloween this year? Mason and I will be attending a Halloween party with friends again this year and will probably do some bar hopping around Uptown as well. Call me lazy if you will, but I am just not in a creative-costume idea kinda mood this year. We don't have to dress up as a "costume couple", but I doubt M has any great solo costume ideas of his own. It's easier when I just pick things out for him! ;) Here are a couple of costumes that I still have that I just might pull out of the costume box (you know, the one sitting in your storage closet that has all of your slutty costumes you wore to themed frat parties and Halloweens past...yes that one):

Little Red Riding Hood (wore Halloween 2007 and 2005)I like this costume, but I have worn it a couple times already, and what would Mason be? Big Bad Wolf? Too much fur I think....

Matadora and Bull (wore Halloween 2008)Haha! My friend Ashley got married last year on Nov. 1, and had her rehearsal dinner on Halloween night. It was a "costume-encouraged" Rehearsal Dinner. So fun! And for the record, I did not make Mason wear this. He fully agreed to it! :)

Alice and Wonderland (wore Halloween 2006)

This was my fav. costume. Alas, I rented it from a costume shop in Austin and no longer have it. Though it was cute at the time, I def think I am over the hoochie mama, disney character costumes. Sadly, I think I have finally gotten too old for those...

Anyway, so do you all have any costume suggestions/ideas? What are some of your fav. costumes from years past? My bosses mom owns a Halloween/Costume Shop so I can ask him to get me virtually any costume. Let's put our thinking caps on! Oh and I tag you all to post your fav or most embarassing Halloween Costume from years past! Do it! :)


  1. I'm so with you on the lack of creativity this year....this time last year, I already had my costume made. I have no clue what I'm going as this year, but I love your Matadora idea! So, I might have to steal it...that is if I can get the hubs to dress as the bull :)

  2. It's been years since we went to a Halloween party where we dressed up, but this year we are. We are planning to go as John and Kate Gosselien (spelling?) I am going to make myself a "Kate" wig and wear a t-shirt with "John and Kate Plus 8" but cross off his name. My husband can wear some cheesy Ed Hardy type t-shirt.

    We aren't real big on drawing attention to ourselves.

  3. I'm so excited about Halloween this year since I havn't dressed up since college. K and I are going to Jon and Kate Gosselin too...I got a wig online.

    You have inspired me to find some of my old pics from Halloween and post them :)

  4. You're so cute in all of those costumes! Having a costume themes wedding rehearsal, now that's an awesome and fun idea! And I can't believe you're man volunteered to wear that costume! What a brave one you have!
    I was planing on doing a post about past hallowing costumes, so I may take you up on your challenge :-)

  5. I'm having a heard time this year too. I can't think of anything good to be! Your bull and matador idea was super cute though!

  6. Oh your costume last year was adorable. Renting is a good idea. I'm at a loss for ideas.

  7. you are too cute!
    looks like you can pull off any costume ;)
    sorry no ideas for you but i'm sure you will come up with something fun! how creative are you for doing the bull and matador!
