

YAY :)
I won a blog giveaway yesterday from Jamie @ The Kubeczka Family for a free blog design! My little blog baby is getting a makeover! Yippee! Great timing too since my blog is quickly approaching it's 1 year birthday! :) Thanks Jamie! Can't wait to see the new look!

NAY :(
I had my worst day of school yet today. Like almost broke down in tears bad. Like had to call the assistant principal down to the classroom because the kids were being so awful bad. Don't worry though...I kept my composure...I'd never give those brats the pleasure of seeing me breakdown!Days like this really make you question your own sanity of deciding to become a teacher though, but I know tomorrow will be a better day...hopefully.

YAY :)
Yesterday a chiropractor came to school to give free massages to all the teachers. A pleasant surprise on a Monday morning! :)

NAY :(
I just ate the last Samoa Girl Scout cookie! :( One box is def not enough!!

YAY :)
3 more days of school 'til SPRING BREAK!!!! It can not get here any faster!!


  1. Don't let a bad day like today discourage you. Trust me, you'll have many more. But the good days definitely out weigh the bad. Being a teacher is definitely the best career. For example, Spring Break!!

  2. Love your Yays and Nays! You have such a cute blog, (which I'm now following!)

    And definitely "yay" for blog makeovers! I just got mine re-done a couple months ago and am loving the new, fresh look!

  3. I had one of those days...the kids were out.of.control. I had another teacher from across the hall to come in for a few minutes while I went to the bathroom to get myself together!

    I bought some Samoas on Saturday and they are already halfway gone! Oops!

  4. Everybody's kids are crazy right now! I could literally call the principal every day! Have a drink and take a nap. Friday will be here soon..whew. I had to get zoloft last month so I wouldn't totally lose it on them. I'm glad that my nerves are better now.

  5. It's almost spring break! halleluja!! I think I need it as much as the kids this year!!

  6. Sorry you had a bad day but spring break is right around the corner :)

    That is so cool about your blog layout...I'm sure it will look amazing!

  7. Congrats on the new blog design, I'm looking forward to seeing it.

    Here's hoping your day is better tomorrow :) If not, at least you have Spring Break to look forward to!

  8. You will LOVE working with Jamie! I'm sorry about the bad day but I promise eventually the bad days outweigh the good.

  9. I hope you are having a better day today!!! Samoa Girl Scout Cookies are YUMMY!!!

  10. I'm finally getting my Girl Scout cookies this week! Woop woop for frozen thin mints!
