
Has Spring Sprung??

It was soo nice in Dallas this weekend! Friday was the first day in fooorrreeevvverrrr that I didn't have to wear a coat and mittens during my early morning commute to work. I also didn't have to keep the heater on full blast during my drive. I only had it blasting on level one instead of my usual level four.....(can you tell that I really don't like to be cold while driving?) And lastly, but most exciting, after work I got to go for happy hour drinks and sit on a patio, outside, al fresco!! Greatness! Oh beaming rays of sunshine...how I have missed you! You could tell that all of my fellow Dallasites were just as thrilled with the warm weather as me, because there was not an empty patio seat in town! We can all finally come out of our caves and begin mingling again! :)And then, Saturday was another glorious day! I kept all of the doors opened to air out the apt. Then, I tackled some early spring cleaning, which our humble abode so desperately needed... Once the sun peeks through the windows it's a lot easier to see all the dustiness that has accumulated during the winter. Yucks! No worries though... we are all spick and span over here now and ready to bring in a marvelous spring season! But ummm, can we just skip spring and get to the 90 degree weather already?? No? Ok. But seriously, mother nature...you better not be playing games with us! If it starts snowing next week I am going to be beyond pissed! Got it? K, thanks! ;) 5 more days 'til SPRING BREAK!!!! YESSSSS! :)

image source: weheartit.com


  1. It been very spring down here in Georgia too :) I hope it stays this way!

  2. Ahhh it was too good to be true. Glad you got to do some fun outdoorsy stuff before today's poo weather!

  3. I love the weather now! I broke out my shorts to exercise today and was loving it. I hope all is well is your world. XOXO

  4. It was nice here this weekend too...I wore flip flops when I went to the grocery store. It made me very happy!

  5. i'm so jealous of your warm weather!! i can not wait until it's nice enough to crack open the windows at home and while driving!

    have a great day hun!! :)

  6. I'm so, so ready for warmer weather on a regular basis. It is 79 right now (in Austin) and I'm heading out to the UT baseball game tonight and I cannot wait. I'm hoping the 75-80 degree days stay for a while. :)
