We I finally got all of the Christmas decorations up and it feels so cozy in our little winter wonderland! Here is a a little sneak peek inside our humble abode!

Our "brand new" Christmas tree set up in the living room. It is actually the Christmas tree that used to be in my office, but since bossy is closing up shop he told me I could have it if I wanted it! Duh! The more Christmas trees the better, because now we get to put our old tree (that Mason surprised me with last winter) in our bedroom. :)

I would highly recommend adding a tree to your bedroom if you are able to! Really adds to the holiday spirit!

Our Mantle!

Close-up of the mantle! Merry Christmas! :)

Mantle/Tree/Living Room view

Snoopy hanging out under the tree! :)

Buffet/entrance table decor

Table decor

Our newest ornament on the tree! :)

My homemade Christmas wreath

My pretty in PINK nativity :)
A friendly reminder from Santa in our kitchen! ;)
And that wraps up this edition of Cribs! Hope you guys enjoyed the tour! I know that I personally am super nosy and love getting a peek into other's homes! Have a great weekend! :)